Vivaldi, Bach and Astronomie Club Orion 2000
This week, Vauvert and surroundings offers a lot of culture and concerts. All throughout the summer in the region I realize. Why exactly in Vauvert I do not know. But I love it! Perhaps because Vauvert has a music school whose orchestras and formations are known far beyond the region? From jazz trio to chamber orchestra to a big band. Events take place all year round. A special one each year on June 21st. At this time, whole of France celebrates the “Fête de la musique”. There are numerous concerts by professionals and amateurs. Of course, also in Vauvert.
The stage is only a few streets from the Envie de Sud. From far distance, I hear the sound of the loudspeaker. All seats of the tables of the “Bar des Halles” are occupied. The ones on the extra tables too. The audience is mixed. Cool rosé beads in the glasses. The empty pizza cartons piled up on the tables from the neighboring delivery service “Pizza Nico” form a contrast that is unusual for me. Does it harm the overall experience? «Mais non! », It is part of the charm of «Midi», the South.
The performances of the music students are refreshing. Passion at its best. “Who is looking for perfection?” I am telling myself and listen to the one or the other slanting tone. The later the hour, the better the quality, I realize. Perhaps it is also the Rosé? Anyway. I spend a great evening in this typical southern French town of Vauvert. Popular. Uncomplicated. Summer has just begun. There will be many more opportunities to go out for me and our guests of the Envie de Sud.
Who knows me knows that I like contrasts. Greatest. On the very next day I will be attending the opening concert of the “Nuits de Franquevaux 2017”. A small, fine festival in the seventh year of execution. The program promises a lot. Violin études by Vivaldi, Bach and Bériot. Presented by two locally known musicians: David Dussaud and Norbert de Jesus Pires. «Reveries natures sous les etoiles» is the theme of the evening. Logically, as a baroque lover, I do not miss this opportunity. “Take a deck chair,” the friendly lady explained to me during reservation. “We meet at 21:15 at the bridge in Franquevaux. Simon, from the Nature Reserve of Scamandre, explains us sounds and voices of the night. Afterwards, we will observe the stars with the Astronomy Club Orion 2000”.
Must I be able to read in the stars to know that this evening is hardly to be surpassed in originality? Not really. The backdrop certainly makes a big part of the ambience. The approximately 50 classic lovers sit or lie on brought along chairs and blankets in the dawning twilight in the semicircular at the Canal du Rhône à Sète in Franquevaux. To the left the nature reserve with ponds and marshes. Flora and fauna.
What follows is a change of virtuosic violin sounds and sequences of silence. This silence is not quiet. It chirps and sings and quits. The voices of the night. Pure nature. From the “Off” the voice of Simon, which helps to assign the sounds to individual animals. In the sky, there are more and more stars. I let myself be carried away from the moment and the mood. It’s just beautiful.
With delicious cakes and tea, we end the late evening. Bernard Denoyer, the president of the astronomy club Beauvoisin and his friends explain the current star constellation. I can look through a telescope for the first time in my life. Really fascinating pictures! Even though somehow too surreal. I cannot really follow the explanations of the Astronomical Association.
The theme of light years and abstract distances is simply beyond my horizon. I live in here and now. And – yes, I also like to look into the stars. For hours. But to understand this with the planets and everything? Hmm. I also know that I experience a precious moment for me. I will save the spell of “non-knowledge” once and for all. On the plateau of the Costières de Nîmes, I wait a moment. My gaze is hanging on the horizon. The night is clear. Moon and stars shine in the sky. It smells like summer. And for me, deep satisfaction. “It’s nice here in the Petite Camargue,” I think quietly.
The “Nuits de Franquevaux” still last a few days. The festival takes place in late June, early July. Truly a secret tip for lovers of first-class cultural pearls off the big stages. In my agenda, the occasion is fixed. I am looking forward to your support next year.
Sincerely, Ursula & Andreas